Category: Simple as 1-2-3
Softub Spa
Join Softub Spa’s Dealers at an Event Near You
Softub Spa Dealers are gearing up for an exciting lineup of events in 2025, offering customers the perfect opportunity to explore our innovative and portable tubs firsthand. Attending these events provides a unique chance to experience the comfort and convenience of a Softub, engage with knowledgeable representatives.
3 Reasons to Choose the Spacious Portico Tub
Are you ready for some relaxation for your whole family right in your own backyard? Look no further than Softub Spas for an alternative to a traditional hot tub that is much easier to set up and more comfortable to relax in, thanks to the cushioned surfaces. We offer several models of our tubs with […]
Berwick Exterior
Softub Spas Offers Stylish and Durable Exterior Options
If you want to enjoy all of the benefits of a hot tub without the drawbacks of costly site preparation, inflated energy consumption costs, and uncomfortable acrylic surfaces, then there is another option for you to consider. Softub Spas is the perfect solution to all of the disadvantages of a traditional hot tub because our […]
Softub Spa
Ring in the New Year With a Resolution to Relax
It’s not too early to start considering the resolutions you wish to make for the new year ahead. Softub Spas would like to encourage you to prioritize self care, and resolve to relax more in 2024. After all, it’s perfectly normal to feel drained and maybe even a little tense after the whirlwind of holiday […]
Softub Spa
Give the Gift of a Softub Spa This Holiday Season
When it comes to the holidays, it’s always nice to give gifts that are practical and can be enjoyed year-round. Imagine giving a gift that is useful, providing numerous benefits to health and well-being, as well as a luxury! Softub Spas can be the ideal gift for family or friends this holiday season. Keep reading […]
FROG @ease Sanitizing System
Sanitize Your Softub Spa With Our Easy-To-Use System
One of the more tedious elements of owning a hot tub is the care they require and constantly ensuring sanitary water. A hot tub that requires too much work negates the whole purpose of relaxation. That’s why we believe in keeping things simple. At Softub Spas, we have created a simple sanitizing system that doesn’t […]
Softub Spa
5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Softub Spas
Have you decided that now is as good a time as any for a new hot tub in your home? If you are beginning to determine which type, brand, or style would be the best option for your family, you’ve come to the right place. Softub Spas will deliver quality time away from the stresses […]
Softub Spa
Preparing Your Softub Spa For Spring
Spring is just around the corner, and for those who don’t already live in a warm climate, you’ll likely be spending more and more time outside. If you own a hot tub from Softub Spas and don’t use it year-round, it’s time to get it ready for frequent use again! It’s always refreshing to get […]
All-Weather Spa
Recover From The Holidays With Relaxation
The holidays are always such a magical time each year, but that doesn’t mean they don’t leave us all stressed and exhausted. Similar to the idea of needing a vacation from a vacation, we often need to recover from the busyness and emotional toll of the holidays. There’s no better way to aid your relaxation […]
All-Weather Spa
Can You Use Your Softub Spa In Cold Climates?
There’s something magical about sitting in a steaming hot tub while the world around you is glistening with snow. Softub Spas are an innovative design, where comfort meets convenience, even in cold climates! Whether you already have a Softub outdoors on your property or are thinking about ordering your first one, the good news is […]